The problem of increasing the power very often concerned about men over the age of 50 years. For every man is very important to remain a man in all areas of life, and sex life for the male population a lot more value than women, because subconsciously you feel much more confident when you can meet your favorite. Increase potency in men after the age of 50 is an urgent problem, then many people wonder what to do, when she reaches old age, and the forces are not the same?
Because of what happens

For a start, it is necessary to understand the causes of reduce the potency in men. In reality, the problems with power can occur not only because of old age, but also because of other abnormalities in the body. Many men and to 60 years of age remain full of energy for sexual relations. Because some happens otherwise? The definition of the origin of this disease is already half-way towards the recovery of the forces. The main causes of problems with the power:
Decreases the production of sex hormones
From the age of 25-30 years, in the body things begin to change, that is, change the amount produced by the body of sex hormones. It is not associated with the disease, but it is only a characteristic of the whole organism. Some men after the age of 50 years starts to produce too little of the right elements, which entails a gradual reduction of power.
Changes in the vascular system
With age, blood vessels wear out and become much thinner than before, due to the loss of elasticity. Because of this change in the patency of the blood through the vessels, already in the blood, the less blood can pass. In this case, the problems with power stem from the fact that the blood is in insufficient quantity in increase to the sexual organ.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
In addition to age-related changes of the blood vessels, may appear diseases that interfere with the normal cardiovascular and muscle work of the body. For example, a high cholesterol level in the body affects the heart, and to tone all of the muscles in general. The cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the blood vessels, which in turn prevents the outflow of blood in the body. As a consequence, the violation of muscular activity and the saturation of the blood with a consequent decrease of the power.
Sex diseases
Prostate Adenoma, urethritis are the causes of reduce the potency in men.
Many youth believe that tobacco, alcohol and junk food do not bring a lot of harm, but this is a big mistake. Not surprisingly, some people have problems with potency occur at the age of 50 years, and some, a dozen years later. Frequent stress, depression, lack of physical activity slowly, but inexorably, lead one to only one – the loss of power.
In addition to bad habits, the power has an impact on the profession of the men. If the job is sedentary, the muscles, with time they weaken and become inactive, which leads to a reduction of power.
How to deal with it
Snapshots of funds to increase the power, there are many. But to not have within him the tablets and pills, best to first understand the reason, and try to eradicate.
To eliminate all problems before they occur, it is necessary to maintain the physical form. 20 minutes of exercise per day reduces the probability of occurrence of problems with the power.

Due to problems with the cardiovascular system atherosclerosis occurs, which blocks the flow of blood in the sexual organ. To prevent the pop-up, you need to eliminate fatty foods from the diet, the smoking, and also to get rid of excess weight.
To increase the power, it is necessary to adjust the quantities right body elements, namely the quantity of calcium, zinc and protein in the body. Zinc is the most important, is responsible for the release of testosterone, so first of all must make his completion. Cedar nuts, buckwheat contains a large number called the element. But with the intake of protein-rich foods you need to be cautious, it is not in a large number of accept the people who suffer from hypertension and heart problems.
Issues of power can bring and medications, so even if you select the usual sedatives need to consult with your doctor and carefully study the side effects.
Also to strengthen the erection, there are specific exercises. They consist in the fact that the man stops the flow of urine during urination, then the sforza and relaxes the muscles of the pelvic floor, of about 40-50 times per day.
If this does not help to solve the problem of power, in the course are the means to increase the instantaneous power. All of the ways to improve can be divided into two groups: medicines and remedies of the folk medicine. Need to learn more about each tool, their pros and cons.
Folk remedies
The popular recipes handed down from generation to generation, even great-grandparents have enjoyed such methods. Before the use of any tool you may want to consult with your doctor to avoid health problems.
Strengthen your erection may be tincture with Ginseng. Already as a finished product can be bought at your local pharmacy, and you can prepare it with my hands. For the preparation it will take to pour 70% alcohol (300 g) micronized Ginseng root (20 g). Insist two to three weeks. Then the dyeing of the exhaust, and take 20-25 drops two times a day for two weeks. Then he made a one week break, and the course is repeated.
Treatment of dye Eleuthero, it is necessary to perform in the following way: – the first day in a glass of water is added a drop of dye, and each day the number of drops increases by one. The course of treatment should go 28 days, then make a pause of three months and you can repeat the course. The instrument returns virility, improving the erection.
Good help in this case, the dyeing of grass Shandra. For the preparation of tinctures need a liter of white wine, pour a hundred grams of grass. Let it rest for two weeks, shaking occasionally, after which it can be consumed three times a day for 50 ml.
The ancient recipe of strengthening the power is to use fenugreek. For the necessary consumption tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, pour a glass of hot milk, stir well and drink. You can apply it every day. Welcome medicine can improve the power for 2-3 weeks.
Contrast sports procedures allow you to stretch the blood vessels and increase the permeability of blood in the sexual organ, which will lead to an increase in power. It is necessary to prepare two of the basin with water: one with hot water, the second with the cold. Turn to get in taza for 15 minutes, 30 seconds in each basin. The course of treatment is two weeks. During this period, it will be possible to see a good result.
If the problems with power can occur due to overwork and fatigue, you can refer to the following popular method of bathing with a bay leaf or Camomile. For this it is necessary to prepare the leaves in a saucepan, and after pour it in a bathtub full. We recommend that you take a bath for 15 minutes before going to sleep.
Help of drugs

In the first place, we must remember that the main purpose of the drugs to increase potency is to expand the blood vessels and the blood flow to the penis, therefore, erection occurs. If the problem is not in the vessels, and sex diseases, listed below, drugs can be powerless. Before taking any medicines need to consult with your doctor, as well as every medication has as positive characteristics, and side effects.